Everyone wants to have a clean and tidy property, but no one really wants to spend hours in cleaning.
We have our own personal cleaning method but not everyone enjoy this process. Here are some ideas which may really change your vision for cleaning and in fact make you feel happy. Even if there’s no way for you to feel happy when cleaning then our tips at least will make it easier.
Plan the cleaning
Yes we know the way is sounds – cleaning is already enough and thinking about it in advance and create a schedule already seems as too much.
Well you should accept the facts – planning is necessary as it will speed up the cleaning process.
If you leave the bathroom till that certain moment when everything is filled with objects or its already more than obvious that cleaning is needed then certainly you will have more additional work than needed.
If you plan a schedule it is much more possible to follow it and apply short but effective cleaning sessions on regular bases. This will make you feel less upset, exhausted and your property will be a nice and peaceful spot for relax.
You should understand that cleaning the whole property at once is extremely large job and the result will be not visible in two days after. At the end you will need to spend the rest of the week in finishing the cleaning or simply you will need to start again from the very beginning.
There’s no need for a permanent headache, just split the cleaning in relation to the premises. On Monday clean the bedroom, on Wednesday focus on the the bathroom, on Saturday concentrate the work in the living room.
It is up to your personal choice to plan your best schedule plan!
Of course cleaning the bedroom on Monday doesn’t mean that you should make your bed only on the day. Follow your small tasks everywhere in the property as you do everyday and apply more work and effort for the premises on the exact day.