One off Cleaning London

We are providing Professional Cleaning Services in relation to your needs and busy schedule. The condition of your property is important but sometimes the time is just not enough. We completely understand that in our busy social environment sometimes there is no time to pay attention to details which are in fact very important for our life style.

For this reason we have created a specially designed services able to meet you requirements and complete you expectations. With us you can book One Off Cleaning Services 7 days a week and make sure that condition of your property would be just as in your expectations.

Our Professional Cleaners are trained and well experienced in order to provide a hight quality service. They are fully insured and have clear criminal records. Besides, they are professionals able to provide references, from a high number of satisfied customers upon request. With us you do not need to worry about results. Our main purpose is to provide a services related to your needs.

House Cleaning ServicesPrices
Regular Cleaning £20
One Off Cleaning £20
Spring,Deep Cleaning £145

We are equipped with professionals tools and materials. Our service is not concentrated and specially designed only for the needs of a household. We are able to assist offices, apartments, houses, pre/post party cleaning, deep cleaning, after builders cleaning , spring cleaning, move in / out and even commercial properties.

You can follow your schedule and leave us to take care of the rest. With us there is no need to think about results as they are simply the best.

One Off Related Cleaning Services

After Builders Cleaning

Deep Cleaning

End of Tenancy cleaning

Move in/out Cleaning

Pre/post party cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Oven Cleaning


Jet Washing