House Cleaning Services in Paddington

house clean londonIf you are constantly on the run having no time for cleaning at home, trust our professional help. Our company operates in W2, Paddington and is acknowledged for the outstanding house cleaning services it provides. We have been in the business for some years now and have acquired considerable knowledge and experience in the field of cleaning. We aim at the highest standards of hygiene and we never compromise with the quality of our work.

Hundreds of people in Paddington have already trusted us and we have never failed to meet their expectations. Save yourself precious time cleaning at home and let us help you. We can come at regular basis and will take care of everything that needs to be done.

If you work with us on weekly, biweekly or monthly basis you could benefit from our great discount rates. What is more, you could choose the cleaner who would come to your property. You could also have us for one off clean and we will come whenever it suits you best. Whatever you choose, you will always be amazed with our work!

House Cleaning ServicesPrices
Regular Cleaning £20
One Off Cleaning £20
Spring,Deep Cleaning £145

Our competent and well-trained employees will do anything – vacuuming, dusting, mopping, proper sanitizing of baths and kitchen. They could manage all that and a lot more. They know that each household demands individual approach and they will do their best to meet your requirements. You could give them a checklist of things you consider important and they will strictly follow your rules.

You can be absolutely relaxed as regards the safety of your home. Our employees are background-checked and we guarantee they are extremely responsible and trustworthy.

Since we value your time, we provide quick and efficient house cleaning service. Our team will start and finish work on time and your home will be spic-and-span!
We are available to anyone in Paddington 7 days a week and we work on holidays as well. You could book us at any time that is convenient to you – we always try to adapt to your busy schedule! And another thing worth mentioning- our budget- friendly costs. We offer a great variety of house cleaning packages and the rates are really appealing!

“ This company has an amazing house cleaning service, I have had my entire house cleaned by other companies before, but I have always spent a lot of money on their services and have not gotten very good results. This company had very appealing prices and the results I got from their cleaners were very nice as well. -Jason”