House Cleaning Services in Marylebone

house clean londonIf you want to have ideally clean home with minimum efforts, trust our cleaning expertise. Our company works in Marylebone and delivers the house cleaning services that will best suit your needs.

We offer a great variety of cleaning options and we are able to adapt our services to the needs of your household. As a rule our house cleaning package includes vacuuming and dusting, proper cleaning of baths and kitchen, changing linen, polishing floors. If there is anything in your home that requires special attention, please, let us know and we will take care. You could give us a checklist of things that you consider important and we will strictly follow your instructions.

House Cleaning ServicesPrices
Regular Cleaning £20
One Off Cleaning £20
Spring,Deep Cleaning £145

So, just invite us in your home and we promise to make it shine like new again. Our team will be professionally equipped and we will provide all necessary cleaning supplies. You can fully rely on us for everything – your windows will be spotless, there will be no traces of grease or mold in your kitchen, your baths will be properly cleaned, even the most out-of-reach areas in your home will be thoroughly cleaned. We know how to create fresh and healthy atmosphere and to achieve the highest standards of hygiene.

We guarantee the impeccable reputation of our employees. They are responsible and hard-working and you can be absolutely sure your home is in good hands. In addition, they could provide references from hundreds of satisfied clients in Marylebone.

We provide a variety of options for you to choose from as regards hiring us. We could come for one off clean or you could work with us on regular basis. In both cases you will be completely satisfied with our house cleaning services. If you decide to hire us on weekly, biweekly or monthly terms you will take advantage of our special discount packages. What is more, you will be given the opportunity to choose the person who would clean your home.

Waste no time wondering how to bring back the immaculate condition of your home. We are here in W1, Marylebone and we are the best solution for you! Contact us and experience the pleasure of being our client!

“I had a party in my new house and I invited all my friends. After that the result was destructive, stains and dirt everywhere. I simply couldn’t afford to spend that much on cleaning, so I hired your house cleaning services. The cleaners were really cool people and the results were remarkable. Great! – Tommy”